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A. Carcinoma of the esophagus condition/disease of esophagus:
B. Achalasia A. Achalasia
C. Sliding hiatal hernia B. Diverticulum
D. Paraesophageal hernia C. Foreign bodies
E. Esophageal diverticulum D. Mallory-Weiss syndrome
E. Tumors
205. A 53-year-old moderately obese
woman presents with heartburn 208. The esophagus is a muscular tube
aggravated mainly by eating and lined with nonkeratinizing
lying down in the horizontal squamous epithelium that starts as a
position. Her symptoms are continuation of the pharynx and
suggestive of gastroesophangeal ends as the cardia of the stomach.
reflux disease (GERD). Which of Which of the following is NOT
the following statements is TRUE? TRUE concerning anatomy of
A. It is best diagnosed by an esophagus?
anteroposterior (AP) and lateral film A. Significant mobility is a normal
of the chest esophageal characteristics and
B. It may be alleviated by certain pathological states can easily
drugs, especially theophylline, displace the esophagus;
diazepam, and calcium channel B. The esophagus is fixed only at its
blockers upper and lower ends, the upper
C. It is not relieved by cessation of end being firmly attached to the
smoking cricoid cartilage and the lower
D. If it is associated with dysphagia, end to the diaphragm;
it suggest a stricture or motility
C. The esophagus passes through Contrast esophagogram; 2.
three compartments: neck, Endoscopy; 3. Manometry; 4.
thorax and abdomen; Irrigography; 5. Aortography.
D. Ingested foreign bodies tend to A. 1,2,3
lodge at the narrowest area - B. 1,2,5
gastroesophageal sphincter; C. 1,3,4
E. The lower third of esophageus D. 2,4,5
contains voluntary muscles. E. 1,2,4
209. In the adult male length of 212. Contrast esophagogram do NOT
esophagus is from 22 to 28 cm and reveal (choose one option):
averages 2 cm shorter in the female A. Diverticula
Which statement, concerning B. Narrowing or strictures
esophageal size is wrong? C. Achalasia
A. The thoracic part of the D. Diaphragmatic hernias
esophagus is approximately 20 E. Gastroesophageal reflux disease
cm long;
B. The abdominal portion of the 213. Esophageal manometry is
esophagus is approximately 2 cm essential to confirm the diagnosis of
in length; primary esophageal motility
C. The anatomical length of the disorders: 1. Achalasia; 2. Diffuse
esophagus is the distance from esophageal spasm; 3. After-
the cricoid cartilage to the gastric burnings esophageal strictures; 4.
orifice; Hypertensive lower esophageal
D. The length of the esophagus, sphincter; 5. Gastroesophageal
according to endoscopical reflux disease.
measure, is the distance from the A. 1,2,3
incisors to the gastric inlet; B. 1,3,5
E. Esophageal length doesn t varies C. 1,2,4
with individual height. D. 2,4,5
E. 3,4,5
210. The esophagus receives blood
from: 1. Superior thyroidal artery, 2. 214. In cases of ACHALASIA, the
Both left and right pulmonary arteries, majority of patients presenting between
3. Bronchial arteries, 4. Middle the ages:
mediastinal artery, 5.Left gastric artery A. 20-40 years
A. 1,2,3 B. 10-20 years
B. 1,3,5 C. 40-60 years
C. 2,3,4 D. More than 60 years
D. 2,4,5 E. No age predisposition
E. 1,4,5
215. A 36-year-old male patient, with a
211. Nowadays assessment of 2 years history of dysphagia,
esophageal function and structure underwent barium swallow, which
includes such examinations: 1. reveals typical bird s-beak
deformity in the distal esophagus esophageal sphincter; 2. Gastric
with more proximal esophageal emptying disorder; 3. Underlying
dilatation. What is the most likely epiphrenic diverticulum; 4.
diagnosis? Underlying achalasia 5. Failed
A. Achalasia esophageal peristalsis.
B. Foreign body of the esophagus A. 1,2,3
C. Hiatal esophageal hernia B. 1,3,4
D. Diverticula C. 1,2,5
E. Distal esophagitis D. 2,4,5
E. 3,4,5
216. The goal of medical treatment of
achalasia is to relax smooth 220. Esophageal manifestations of
muscles. Which of the following GERD includes: 1. Heartburn; 2.
drugs are useless in case of Chest pain; 3. Dysphagia; 4. Weight
achalasia? loss, 5. Bronchospasm.
A. Calcium channel blockers A. 1,2,3
B. Opioids B. 1,3,4
C. Nitrates C. 1,2,5
D. Anticholinergics D. 2,4,5
E. H2 blockers E. 3,4,5
217. According to location esophageal 221. Extraesophageal manifestations of
diverticula are classified as: 1. GERD include all of the following
Retropericardiac, 2. EXCEPT:
Pharyngoesophageal, 3. A. Chronic cough
Retrosternal, 4. Midesophageal, 5. B. Laryngitis
Epiphrenic. Choose the correct C. Dental damage
combination. D. Regurgitation of undigested food
A. 1,2,3 E. Chronic sinusitis
B. 1,3,5
C. 1,2,4 222. The most common cause of
D. 2,4,5 esophageal injury or perforation is:
E. 3,4,5 A. Instrumental procedures
B. Penetrating chest trauma,
218. What symptom is NOT typical for especially height fall
pharyngoesophageal diverticulum C. Chest tube placement for tension
A. Dysphagia pneumothorax
B. Regurgitation of undigested food D. Caustic poisoning
C. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes E. Foreign body ingestion
D. Frequent aspiration
E. Voice changes 223.  Pseudoachalasia , caused by a
mediastinal tumor, may be
219. Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) distinguished from primary
is a mechanical disorder that is achalasia using? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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    Dawniej młodzi mężczyźni szukali sobie żon. Teraz wyszukują sobie teściów. Diana Webster
