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Page 215
ABC Amber Palm Converter,
Makuraners keep the westlands, we'll have to drive them out. Making them move
to respond to us would be a pleasant change, don't you think?"
"You get no arguments from me there," Rhegorios answered. "I'd love to see
them scurrying about instead of us. Can we do it this summer, do you think?"
"I don't know," Maniakes said. "We'll have to go back to Videssos the city and
see how long we'll need to refit, how many men we can pull together, how many
ships we have. We'd have a surer chance of doing it if Etzilios hadn't jumped
on us, curse him."
"You may end up thanking him one of these days," Rhegorios said. "You might
never have come up with this idea if he hadn't invaded."
"There is that," the Avtokrator admitted. "Sooner or later, though, I think I
would have. It's the best choice we've got. It may be the only choice we've
got. Whether it's good enough we'll find out."
Page 216 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

  • Cytat

    Dawniej młodzi mężczyźni szukali sobie żon. Teraz wyszukują sobie teściów. Diana Webster
