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niggers, and where the only women who go close to war are nurses who patch up
the real soldiers? The effect of vessels from the Japanese Defence Force allied with
the USA and England? How would thousands of armed forces personnel from a few
years in our future affect a world which had never heard of computers, birth control
pills, The Female Eunuch, JFK, Martin Luther King, The Rolling Stones, Rap music, the
Sexual Revolution, Islamic jihads, Auschwitz or Prozac?
A further dimension is provided by the reason for the task force s existence in
2021. It has been formed to restore order in an Indonesia which has been taken over
in a bloody revolution by Islamic fundamentalists calling themselves the Caliphate.
Its international nature is because it has been formed by the UN, and that body has
involved itself because the world has been at war, with terrorists, from now until then.
The people of the 2021 task force have been fighting for twenty years in a world where
conflicts can erupt at any time, in any place. There is a chilling line spoken to a 1942
officer concerning suicide bombers:  That was the future.
Even though there are one or two stylistic lapses where idiomatic Australian
expressions are put into the mouths of American characters, the writing is seamless.
The pace is fast and furious in the action scenes and contemplative without tedium in
the more reflective scenes. There are moments of graphic gore and moments of light
humour, including some arch references to other Australian writers and other works in
the same genre. The romance is handled with just the right touch, as is the mystery.
This is a multidimensional novel.
The conclusion does not tie up all the loose ends, and there will be sequels. There
must be sequels. If there are no sequels, every reader of the novel should make a
pilgrimage to John Birmingham and Pan Macmillan and threaten them with money or
violence, whatever it takes, to make them happen. I, for one, will be living in suspense
until the next novel.
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine welcomes book reviews or books to
review, however we can t guarantee publication of any review, or to review every
book sent to us. For more information please contact the Reviews Editor, Ian
Nichols, at asimreviews@gmail.com.
About the authors&
Brian Tillotson is a frequent flyer. He has flown experiments in space on Russian and
American rockets and he has over two hours of zero gravity time as a passenger on NASA s
KC-135 Vomit Comet. Wash and Wear is his first published story.
S. Hutson Blount is an Ex-navy sailor, devoted husband, and graduate of the Clarion West
Writers Workshop Class of 2005. Regarded as a loner by his many friends, divides time
between manual labor and jotting down details of imaginary worlds. He has no previous
writing credits that he s willing to own up to.
Paul Woodlin has been published in The Leading Edge, Leafing Through, Nanobision,
Shadowed Realms, Apex and Abyss, Fictitious Force, and Jay Lake s TEL anthology. He
presently teaches English in China and is working on a novel
Andre Oosterman is a financial analyst, website designer and aspiring SF-writer. His fiction
has appeared in Alternate Species, Andromeda s Inflight Space Magazine and will appear in
Alien Skin. He is married with two kids, and maintains an ever changing number of cats. He
lives in Bali.
Samantha Henderson lives in Southern California with her family and various corgis and
rabbits. Her work can be seen in Weird Tales, Strange Horizons, Chizine, Lone Star Stories,
Star*Line, Surreal and Sybil s Garage.
Steven Pirie lives in Liverpool, UK, with his wife and young son. He s published short
stories in numerous magazines including one in ASIM issue 7. He has two short stories in
the current Mammoth Book of Comic Fantasy published by Robinsonin the UK and Carroll
& Graf in the US. His humorous fantasy novel Digging up Donald is published by Storm
Constantine s Immanion Press. Details of all these and more may be found at his website
Simon Brown s latest book was Rival s Son, the second volume of the Chronicles of Kydan, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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