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 Right. The computer runs everything, you just need to tell it
what you want it to do and where you want it to go. Steer with the
wheel. The engines are started and stopped with this red button.
You move this lever forward to go faster, and backwards to go
slower or to reverse. This switch raises or lowers the anchor.
 Why doesn t the computer stop me from hitting the
 Because it only drives the controls of the boat. It is basic,
okay? Now across here , follow me. He walked across the bridge to
the far side. There was the dredge control station.
 These controls are for the dredger, you won t need them, but
you will want this bank of switches here.
 And this is my job I suppose? Amanda asked.
 Yes. When Howard has driven the dredger into the pier, you
need to operate this switches quickly. They will open the doors and
dump the load onto the barrier gate in the river bed.
 Right and then we leg it to the rubber boat which is where?
 No, you don t leg it to the rubber boat yet. You shout to
Howard when you have started dumping the load. Howard you then
need to drop anchor and then stop the engines. The dredger will
become quite unstable as the load drops, the anchor will help hold it
in position. Howard you then run down here and you and Amanda
go out of this door, down the steps to the rear where you will find
the boat. Next to the boat is a box taped to the rails. Open it. Inside
is a switch. Throw the switch and it will blow two holes in the hull.
The dredger will then settle to the bottom.
 How the hell do we get off, won t we get sucked down to
the bottom? Howard had almost forgotten that this wouldn t
King s Ransom
actually be happening and had become absorbed into his role. He
was genuinely concerned, and his fear showed.
 You wont get sucked to the bottom, because this is a river
not an ocean. The dredger will just sit on the bottom. You just slide
the rails open and push the boat into the water, jump on, start the
outboard and go. The tide will be with you, so you will be able to go
quite quickly. You cannot hang about. As soon as you hit the barrier
pier, spectators will start shouting and pointing, some will even
phone the police. You need to get away.
The doors at each end of the bridge suddenly flew open and
men poured in, shouting as they came.
 Armed Police, Lie Down, Armed Police, Lie Down.
The men rushing towards them were dressed in black, with
black and white chequered hard helmets. They seemed to be
covered in armour and had what were unmistakably large guns
pointed at them.
Howard grabbed Amanda and dropped to the floor, covering
her as he did so. Rees just stood, looking at the police and then
smiled. He put his hands up, confident that there could be no
evidence that could convict him, he had been ultra careful.
A hand pushed on his shoulder and a voice shouted in his ear,
 On the floor Waldemeir, on the floor now. He hesitated, now a
little concerned as his real name was shouted, it seemed that they
knew more than he thought. His delay in obeying instructions had
not pleased the police and something hard was driven into the back
of his right knee, causing his legs to buckle. With the weight of the
policeman pushing on his shoulder he fell to the floor. His arms
were pulled behind him, and he felt the cold of the metal as the
cuffs were applied.
 George Cohen Waldemeir, I am arresting you under section
one of the Terrorism Act. You do not have to say anything, but it
may harm your defence if you do not now say something which you
later rely on in court. Do you understand?
He lay there quietly, the gravity of his predicament sinking in,
his captor again asked him if he understood, he responded with a
quiet yes. He was pulled to his feet by hands at each arm. His
boatman was also cuffed and held by two police. Not so, he
noticed, Howard and Amanda. They were in conversation with
some of the police, but showed no signs of being arrested.  So, that
was my error, he thought as he was pulled towards the exit.
Geraldine took the news of Waldemeir s arrest at the
command centre. Geraldine first flashed it through to TC and then
informed Edward. The Colonel appeared after a few minutes
carrying three coffee s on a tray.
 Right guys, let s go through the position we are in.
 Sir, Edward began the summary.  Waldemeir is neutralised
and we believe that there are no other associates of his in the UK.
Howard Fitzroy, Target One, is now not believed to be a threat,
although I think that he will still require monitoring. I believe that
he will be wise to keep his head down now.
 Fine, so we have lessened the risk to the City from that
quarter, what about Yasser Rashid?
 Sir. As you know his colleague also indicated that the Barrier
is a target, and that he intends to cause it s failure by bombing the
power to it. We believe also that he has an inside man and will hold
the control room staff hostage as he disables the barrier. Our
colleagues in Five are dealing with that. They are not planning on
moving until the last moment as they do not want to tip Rashid off
until we have located the vans.
 What have Five accomplished so far?
 They have people in the houses of the control room staff
acting as family. The real families have been moved to a hotel in
Gravesend for safety. All non essential staff are being told not to
work today or tomorrow, and the control room staff are being
monitored as they go to and from the barrier. Five believe that the
mole for Rashid is a member of the cleaning staff, and he is being
monitored. Five had passed us a list of seventeen mobile phones
that he has interacted with. All seventeen are being tracked.
 Do you believe that the barrier is safe then?
 Five also have the SBS on hand on both banks of the river,
as we will have the Airborne boys at Westminster. Five believe that
they have every contingency covered. I accept their prognosis. I am
not concerning myself with the barrier.
 So, it s Parliament and the State Opening then?
King s Ransom
 Yes. Our analysis is that Rashid s plan is to cause the flood,
which will cause the swamping of Westminster and thus the
evacuation of the house. At almost the only time in the year all of
the senior Royals and politicians will be in one place. It is our belief
that he intends to detonate his bombs when the evacuation takes
 The Principals and Senior Politicians will not be evacuated to
a public place though.
 We believe that he does not know that, we keep the
contingency plans well guarded. We assume that he may have done
the public tour and perhaps taken note of the Fire Alarm notices,
telling people where to congregate in the event of an emergency.
 Parliament Square is the likely target zone then?
 Yes Sir. We need to apprehend him before he gets there, we [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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